Cover Image of Awake: Episode One
Awake: Episode One
28 May 2020
Rift & Rift S
7.99 USD
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7.99 USD

Awake: Episode One

28 May 2020
Rift & Rift S
7.99 USD
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7.99 USD
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7.99 USD
Current price
7.99 USD


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Publisher: New Canvas
Developer: New Canvas
Current version: 5
Total installed space: 14.50GB
Required space adjusted: 16.50GB


Enter the world of AWAKE, a ground-breaking first-person cinematic VR thriller, that blurs the line between memories, dreams and reality.

In Episode One, you are a new presence in the story of Harry; a man obsessed with solving a mysterious lucid dream. It’s an obsession that has also cost Harry dearly and now he is stuck, waiting for release. You are the witness and it’s time for Harry to wake up!

As the ever deepening layers of Harry’s story are revealed a sinister force could lead to Harry breaking one last time. AWAKE presents a rich new genre of immersive cinema, for you to discover.

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