Cover Image of A Fisherman's Tale
A Fisherman's Tale
27 Nov 2019
Quest & Quest 2
14.99 USD
Buy at
14.99 USD

A Fisherman's Tale

27 Nov 2019
Quest & Quest 2
14.99 USD
The highest price
14.99 USD
The lowest price
7.49 USD
Current price
14.99 USD


125× watchlisted
88× favorited
75× ownered


Publisher: Vertigo Games
Developer: InnerspaceVR
Current version: 1.064
Total installed space: 2.12GB
Required space adjusted: 4.02GB


Bend and twist reality in the VR Awards Game of the Year 2019. A Fisherman's Tale is a mind-bending VR adventure in which being turned upside down and inside out is not merely a play on words.

Playing as a tiny fisherman puppet, you live alone in your tiny cabin, oblivious to the world outside. When your radio broadcasts a storm alert, you have to climb the lighthouse to turn on the light! As you leave your cabin with the help of some uncanny sidekicks, you realize what's waiting outside is not at all what you expected…

• Break multiple laws of physics in mind-bending puzzles!
• Climb the lighthouse before The Big Storm, with the help of uncanny sidekicks
• Toy around with your model lighthouse, inside a lighthouse, inside a... is that another lighthouse?
• Uncover the truth behind an unusually tall fisherman's tale

Brought to you by Vertigo Games, A Fisherman's Tale is developed by Innerspace, co-produced with ARTE France supported by CNC, Ville de Paris & BPI France.

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