Cover Image of Voronium - Locust Sols
Voronium - Locust Sols
16 Nov 2018
Rift & Rift S
2.99 USD 14.99 USD SAVE: 80 %
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2.99 USD 14.99 USD

Voronium - Locust Sols

16 Nov 2018
Rift & Rift S
2.99 USD 14.99 USD SAVE: 80 %
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14.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD


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Publisher: Gamalocus Studios
Developer: Gamalocus Studios
Current version: 1.12
Total installed space: 3.02GB
Required space adjusted: 5.02GB


Voronium - Locust Sols takes place on a planet far from our known world. In the wake of mankind's destruction of the earth a quest to find a new home has begun. Due to the enormous distances of space, this expedition is lead by machines and highly sophisticated AI all relaying on Voronium.

Voronium is a material, so versatile and energy dense it defies the known laws of physics. It's the energy source that replaced all others. But though the universe is vast - mankind and their AI are not the only species interested in the energy. Your job is to secure the Voronium mining operations, and destroy anything that gets in the way.

The game is made solely for VR and it mixes two classic genres of game-play. Tower defense and First person shooter (VR Style). The game is driven forward by a storyline wrapping the game features and the tale of Voronium neatly together.

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