Cover Image of Rage Room
Rage Room
29 Dec 2017
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD

Rage Room

29 Dec 2017
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
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14.99 USD


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Publisher: Lockem Reality Inc.
Developer: Lockem Reality Inc.
Current version: 1.10
Total installed space: 2.51GB
Required space adjusted: 4.51GB


Welcome to your home away from home, the Rage Room. Locked in a room with no windows, no doors and a bunch of dummies that just gained sentience. What could go wrong? Fight against the faceless enemies with whatever weapons you can get your hands on!

Three different ways to Rage:

Free Mode: Choose from the basic weapons to start and gain enough credits by destroying dummies to unlock bigger and messier tools of destruction. This sandbox mode is all about playing around and doing whatever you want.

Story Mode: Begin at ‘Facility 12’, a testing facility for different weapons as well as the most effective ways to deliver pain. Be warned some of the dummies have been exhibiting sentience and aren’t too keen about being destroyed for the sake of science.

Frenzy Mode: Choose between frenzies that showcase various weapons types in Rage Room. With 7 different frenzies to choose from, race against the clock to destroy the dummies.

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