Cover Image of Airranger
30 Jan 2019
Rift & Rift S
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD


30 Jan 2019
Rift & Rift S
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD
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9.99 USD
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9.99 USD


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Publisher: Chesstar
Developer: Chesstar
Current version:
Total installed space: 3.57GB
Required space adjusted: 5.57GB


Airranger is a bow and arrow multi-player game. Nothing in usual in the realm of conventional gaming, sure, but it makes for one of the best VR game with a headset donned.You can move around or fly to the sky, as well as use your unique bow and arrow weapon to defeat all your opponents in your own way — only the last one standing can win.

Key Features:
1.New movement mechanics
Once you get used to the movement mechanics, it feels very natural to switch between bows and arrow types while flying through the air.
2. Wonderful Combat Experience
3. A Variety of Weapons And Equipment With Different Characteristics
4. A variety of powerful arrows
5. Free Collocation of Weapons in the Store
6.Various Game Modes:
-Battle Royale Solo & Duo
-War mode, Bomb mode,
-Guardian mode (new),
-Team Deathmatch mode (new),
-Custom mode(new)
We want everyone to be able to enjoy Airranger and we tried to support all gamers

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