Cover Image of GNOSIS
11 Apr 2018
Rift & Rift S
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD


11 Apr 2018
Rift & Rift S
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
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4.99 USD


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Publisher: FATHOMABLE Ltd
Developer: Robert Bogucki
Current version: 1.6
Total installed space: 4.42GB
Required space adjusted: 6.42GB


“...Humanity? I haven’t heard that word used for a very long time...”
The world in 2325 is a very different space, and this Archive is all that remains of the past...

Dive into audiovisual cyberspace and explore a large network of knowledge unfolding around you. GNOSIS is a VR artifact and music album combining retroarcade-styled puzzle gameplay, interactive data visualisation and artistic performance, all set to a kaleidoscopic soundtrack by VVDS, Cooptrol, Black Bolt, Psykocosmos and Q P.O.P. Dance performance by BACANTOH.

GNOSIS is best experienced in an exploratory mindset, where the rules governing the mysterious environment are left for you to discover. But be warned, the Archive doesn't give up its secrets easily! GNOSIS rewards curiosity, so keep your eyes (and ears) peeled! Once you are a proper Archive Hacker, the gameplay is short, casual and replayable - unless you decide to lose yourself inside the Lexicon Mode, which is an equivalent of a vast, shifting cyber-library.

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