Cover Image of Trains VR
Trains VR
30 Aug 2018
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD

Trains VR

30 Aug 2018
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
The lowest price
14.99 USD
Current price
14.99 USD


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Publisher: The House of Fables
Developer: The House of Fables
Current version: 1.0
Total installed space: 1.70GB
Required space adjusted: 3.70GB


There’s a certain magic to our childhood dreams and new technology is allowing us to relive them. The House of Fables has taken one of these dreams to create Trains VR and present you with the unique experience of stepping into the world of locomotives and railroads!

Create crazy routes and get your trains on the tracks, whether it’s to solve one of the numerous puzzles or simply just for fun. Hop into the cabin at any time using the first person view and enjoy the ride as a train operator! Be careful, however, not to crash with other locomotives as you immerse yourself in beautiful world of Trains VR!

-Construct your routes and ride on!
-Dive into a fantasy world of locomotives, stations and stars.
-Collect them all and become a master of the railroads.
-Challenge yourself with 40 levels of logical puzzles that have multiple solutions.
-Become a master builder and the fastest conductor.
-Experience the ride from the cabin perspective.

Build, Ride, Fail, Repeat, Succeed!

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