Cover Image of Jake and the Giant
Jake and the Giant
26 Mar 2019
Rift & Rift S
5.99 USD 14.99 USD SAVE: 60 %
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5.99 USD 14.99 USD

Jake and the Giant

26 Mar 2019
Rift & Rift S
5.99 USD 14.99 USD SAVE: 60 %
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14.99 USD
The lowest price
5.99 USD
Current price
5.99 USD


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Publisher: MoonShine Games
Developer: MoonShine Games
Current version: 13.0
Total installed space: 820.80MB
Required space adjusted: 2.80GB


Jake and the Giant is an couch Co-Op / asymmetrical local multiplayer VR game.

1 Vs 1 with the VR player controlling the powerful Giant from the headset with the controllers. The onscreen PC player controls Jake the little hero in this VR/desktop adventure using a gamepad.

Jake has been swept away in a balloon ride he will never forget, he crashed onto a floating cloud island where he stumbles into a Giant house.
Jake must find all the gold in each room, before he is able to find the exit.
Meanwhile the powerful Giant searches for him armed with his tools of destruction. The Toxic CBow which arrows are covered in deadly goo
and the great club of doom.
If Jake is caught he we never return home and the Giant would have his feed.

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