Cover Image of Time Travelers
Time Travelers
02 Nov 2017
Rift & Rift S
3.99 USD
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3.99 USD

Time Travelers

02 Nov 2017
Rift & Rift S
3.99 USD
The highest price
3.99 USD
The lowest price
3.99 USD
Current price
3.99 USD


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0× ownered


Publisher: Studio Seven
Developer: Studio Seven
Current version: 1.1
Total installed space: 1.04GB
Required space adjusted: 3.04GB


"We got the remains of someone's dream in the end."

Two young girls picked up the fruit; a strange door suddenly appears in front of Platinum and Ruby.

Platinum and Ruby wanted to try adventure and the two of them entered through the door.

Throughout the journey, Platinum ends up breaking up with Ruby and after a struggle they arrive at a place that seems like someone's laboratory where the whale shaped airship is stationed.

But Ruby arrived in the future laboratory where Platinum was present.

The airship was destroyed, and it was a laboratory that seemed to be no longer being used due to the absence of people.

Short musical movie about two girls who travel to magical space!

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