Cover Image of Vita Romae
Vita Romae
19 Nov 2020
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD

Vita Romae

19 Nov 2020
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
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14.99 USD


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Publisher: Miguel Ángel Moreno Fernández
Developer: BlackBirdStudios
Current version: BETA 0.5
Total installed space: 4.74GB
Required space adjusted: 6.74GB


Delve into a Roman camp and see the wooden fortifications, the training sites, the main weapons used by the legionaries and visit one of their tents. Visit a Roman market, where the most varied food and basic necessities were obtained.
Learn about the Roman domes and their different rooms, both those for external visits, "fauces", peristyle and "tablinum", as well as the most intimate and those dedicated to service, such as the kitchen, the triclinium and the cubicle.
Take a walk through one of its streets and the tabernae, where the romans had their food and drinks, bought bread and flour in the bakery, and other utensils and goods in the various stores.
Spend some time in the hot springs, and enjoy its different rooms, with pools of cold, warm or hot water.

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