Cover Image of Virry Happy: mindfulness in nature VR
Virry Happy: mindfulness in nature VR
13 Aug 2020
Rift & Rift S
29.99 USD
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29.99 USD

Virry Happy: mindfulness in nature VR

13 Aug 2020
Rift & Rift S
29.99 USD
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29.99 USD
The lowest price
29.99 USD
Current price
29.99 USD


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Publisher: Fountain Digital Labs
Developer: Fountain Digital Labs
Current version: 1.2
Total installed space: 16.03GB
Required space adjusted: 18.03GB


Did you know that being in nature helps reduce stress and anxiety, and can improve your short term memory by 20%?

But with the need to stay safe and stay home we can find ourselves missing out on some of the amazing psychological benefits nature has to offer.

That’s where Virry can help.

Made from 360° filmed environments captured in the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya, Virry Happy is a series of immersive virtual reality experiences made without any CGI to give you the full therapeutic benefits of nature exposure.

Use Virry Happy as your daily meditation and mindfulness guide to look after your wellbeing and escape to nature from the safety and comfort of home.

Listen to your meditation guide and learn mindfulness techniques.

Become more eco-centric, empathetic and curious about distant wildlife.

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