Cover Image of Queerskins: a love story
Queerskins: a love story
21 May 2020
Rift & Rift S
6.99 USD
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6.99 USD

Queerskins: a love story

21 May 2020
Rift & Rift S
6.99 USD
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6.99 USD
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6.99 USD
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6.99 USD


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Publisher: Cloudred
Developer: Cloudred
Current version: 3
Total installed space: 3.73GB
Required space adjusted: 5.73GB


In this Peabody Award winning, emotionally-charged experience, you are seated in the back seat of a photo-realistic 1986 Cadillac, behind Ed and Mary-Helen, Sebastian’s parents, as they take a journey down a country road in rural Missouri. Get to know Sebastian through the drama unfolding in intimate proximity in the front seat as well as by interacting with a collection of Sebastian’s personal belongings including his diary. Was he a “disgrace” like his father says or a “good man” as his mother believes?

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