Cover Image of Vengeful Rites
Vengeful Rites
18 Feb 2020
Rift & Rift S
19.99 USD
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19.99 USD

Vengeful Rites

18 Feb 2020
Rift & Rift S
19.99 USD
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19.99 USD
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19.99 USD
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19.99 USD


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Publisher: Deep Dive Interactive
Developer: Deep Dive Interactive
Current version: 1.1
Total installed space: 4.73GB
Required space adjusted: 6.73GB


Inspired by classics of the genre, Vengeful Rites aims to bring a proper adventure to Virtual Realty. With an average campaign length of around 15 hours and replayability in the form of different weapon, ring and perk combinations, you'll be engrossed in your quest for some time. Specialize in swords, bows or magic to dominate your foes in the way that best suits your playstyle and achieve your vengeance on your own terms! You've got everything you need to accomplish your task. Your journey awaits...

Smooth/Teleportation locomotion supported.

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