Cover Image of Robo Recall: Unplugged
Robo Recall: Unplugged
21 May 2019
Quest & Quest 2 Rift & Rift S
29.99 USD
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29.99 USD

Robo Recall: Unplugged

21 May 2019
Quest & Quest 2 Rift & Rift S
29.99 USD
The highest price
29.99 USD
The lowest price
14.99 USD
Current price
29.99 USD


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Publisher: Oculus Studios
Developer: Drifter Entertainment / Epic Games
Current version: 1.0
Total installed space: 3.47GB
Required space adjusted: 6.70GB


You used to push lead with a pencil, but now you’re pushing it with a gun. A recent barrage of defective, homicidal robots has created openings in RoboReady’s perpetually underfunded and suddenly swamped Recall Department. Thrown into the fray as a Recaller, you must rely on your wits, reflexes and a vast arsenal of weaponry to eliminate the robot uprising.

Robo Recall is an action-packed VR first-person shooter with visceral gameplay and an in-depth scoring system. Earn the high score by using creative combat tactics and skill shots as you teleport through city streets and rooftops in an awe-inspiring ballet of bullets. Tear apart your interactive robot foes and use them to fend off the enemy onslaught. Unlock, customize and test weapons before taking on advanced challenges that put your newfound skills to the test!

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