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Developer: ARTE Experience
Current version: 4.5
Total installed space: 1.18GB
Required space adjusted: 1.99GB
/!\ Note: ~2 GB of device storage is required to complete install process, but final install size is 724 MB.
“Mesmerizing.. the best Virtual Reality experience at Tribeca Film Festival”-VICE
“Notes on Blindness is one of the first great virtual reality experiences”-ALPHR.COM
Arte Experience presents Notes On Blindness, a VR journey into a world beyond sight. In 1983, after decades of steady deterioration, John Hull became totally blind. To help him make sense of the upheaval in his life, he began documenting his experiences on audio cassette. These original diary recordings form the basis of this project, an interactive non fiction using new forms of storytelling to explore his cognitive and emotional experience of blindness.
Not recommended on Galaxy Note 4.
Produced by Ex Nihilo, Arte France in co-production with Archer’s Mark. Executive Producer, Audiogaming. Supported by TFI New Media Fund and Ford Foundation – JustFilms, CNC and Région Midi-Pyrénées.