Cover Image of Starry
11 May 2016
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD


11 May 2016
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD


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Publisher: DJH
Developer: DJH
Current version: 1.0
Total installed space: 132.34MB
Required space adjusted: 144.01MB


You will be facing the illusory world, making up of endless stars, by putting up your VR glasses, and your mission is to turn pieces of the puzzles into the masterpieces of Van Gogh. VR technology enables very single piece of the puzzle to be presented as vivid object that you feel you were about to touch, and you will certainly be immersed in the artistic spirit within the whole picture. Keep your brain working, and conquer the puzzles.

This VR game stands out from its genre by providing you the experience of taking deep thinking, and enjoying the calm in the present moment. Also, while making full use of VR technology, this game does not offer any dizzy feeling. Try restoring Van Gogh’s masterpieces through your virtual hands instead of traditional way of clicking and dragging!

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