Cover Image of Traffic Cop VR
Traffic Cop VR
31 Aug 2018
0.99 USD
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0.99 USD

Traffic Cop VR

31 Aug 2018
0.99 USD
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0.99 USD
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0.99 USD
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0.99 USD


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Publisher: Yes Productions
Developer: Waden Kane Game Studios
Current version: 3.13
Total installed space: 624.05MB
Required space adjusted: 415.24MB


"If you’ve always wanted to be a bird fighting, alien igniting cop with a vengeance, then make sure to add Traffic Cop VR to your library" - VRTheGamers

20 Levels of traffic to direct. Unlock all 8 lanes of oncoming traffic as you progress through your shift
2 Mini-Games: Alien Attack & Bird Hunt with a total of 7 levels of difficulty
Full emersion reactive environment
Destroy city property
Cause accidents

With rhythm & perception keep traffic flowing through the intersection using a strategic plan for cars traveling at different speeds from all 8 lanes to avoid collisions & minimize delays.

Drivers in traffic jams become unpredictable, blowing through the intersection causing accidents or even throwing things at you. When you find food flying towards your face, you can always duck, dodge, catch or throw it back at them if you're feeling feisty!

Break up the work day w/ mini games. Protect the city from Aliens with your ray gun, & use your sling shot to plink giant birds!

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