Cover Image of Color Invader
Color Invader
17 Oct 2019
Go Samsung Gear VR
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD

Color Invader

17 Oct 2019
Go Samsung Gear VR
4.99 USD
The highest price
4.99 USD
The lowest price
1.49 USD
Current price
4.99 USD


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Publisher: Tan Digital
Developer: Tan Digital
Current version: 0.1.95
Total installed space: 193.99MB
Required space adjusted: 142.37MB


Game Description:
We are under attack from other dimension. Powerful orbs are all over the universe. The orbs contain enormous charge to destroy whole universe. As a captain, your job is to defuse them before they explode.

The potential difference appears as different colors of the orbs.Equal color attracts to each others and defuse.

We need to be smart and defuse them as fast as possible. Figure out a way to make a chain reaction by tweaking the potential of the orbs.

Quick guide:
Red + Yellow = Orange
Blue + Red = Violet
Yellow + Blue = Green

* Chain reaction with 3 strikes makes Electric Shock.
* Chain reaction with 4 strikes makes Fire Explosion.
* Chain reaction with 5 strikes makes Color Bomb.

There are hundreds of locations that are under attack, and I know we can make it and free the universe.

Get aboard and save the universe!

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