Cover Image of Stormland
14 Nov 2019
Rift & Rift S
39.99 USD
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39.99 USD


14 Nov 2019
Rift & Rift S
39.99 USD
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39.99 USD
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39.99 USD
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39.99 USD


93× watchlisted
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6× ownered


Publisher: Oculus Studios
Developer: Insomniac Games
Current version: Stormland_008
Total installed space: 15.29GB
Required space adjusted: 17.29GB


Introducing the world of Stormland – an alien sky hosting lush exotic life and a scattered android civilization. Play single-player, or explore forgotten ruins with a friend in two-player co-op*. Take on an expansive world with complete freedom—bound up cliffs, glide across chasms, and fly through the slipstream with velocity. Detonate explosives, harness electricity, and wield high tech weapons to overcome a malevolent army of robotic invaders.

Each week, the Stormland reveals new challenges set among never before seen peaks, ruins, strongholds, and caves nestled in an expansive cloudscape. Find new tech, build yourself up, and discover just how far you can push past the limits of your design.

Reclaim your world.

*Internet required for co-op.

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