Cover Image of Sprint Vector
Sprint Vector
02 Feb 2018
Rift & Rift S
29.99 USD
Buy at
29.99 USD

Sprint Vector

02 Feb 2018
Rift & Rift S
29.99 USD
The highest price
29.99 USD
The lowest price
12 USD
Current price
29.99 USD


3× watchlisted
1× favorited
1× ownered


Publisher: Survios
Developer: Survios
Current version:
Total installed space: 5.24GB
Required space adjusted: 7.24GB


Sprint Vector is officially in the VR League! Race your way to victory and grab Sprint Vector on sale now. Register now to compete!

Sprint Vector is the ultimate competitive VR game: a multiplayer parkour racing game that merges the physical thrill of athletic competition with the unhinged energy of a crazy game show. Survios’ innovative Fluid Locomotion System allows players to comfortably run, jump, climb, and fly at extreme speeds.

High-Octane Single and Multiplayer Racing: Compete against up to eight contestants live before the entire galaxy, or train hard for the title on hazardous solo challenge maps.

Active VR Gameplay: Use your entire body to run, jump, drift, zip, climb, fling, shoot, dodge, and fly with intuitive motion controls.

Weapons and Items: What’s a little friendly competition without a bit of self-serving sabotage? Take aim at both the course and your competitors with glove blasts and game-changing power-ups.

Choose Your Racer: From space kids and disc jockeys, to graffiti artists and gangster sharks, enjoy a diverse cast of playable characters from every corner of the galaxy.

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