Cover Image of Falcon Age
Falcon Age
03 Sep 2020
Quest & Quest 2
19.99 USD
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19.99 USD

Falcon Age

03 Sep 2020
Quest & Quest 2
19.99 USD
The highest price
19.99 USD
The lowest price
14.99 USD
Current price
19.99 USD


15× watchlisted
8× favorited
8× ownered


Publisher: Outerloop Games
Developer: Outerloop Games
Current version: 1.01
Total installed space: 1.20GB
Required space adjusted: 2.23GB


Bond with a baby falcon and go on an adventure. Falcon Age is a first-person, single-player action adventure where you’ll play as Ara in her fight to reclaim her cultural legacy in the lost art of falcon hunting against a force of automated colonizers. The game starts on a dying colony planet with its culture destroyed, resourced depleted, and turned into a desert by machine invaders. Ara’s been wrongfully thrown in jail for a minor infraction. While she awaits her fate in a lonely cell, she passes the time by befriending a young falcon. Together they escape and set off on an adventure to help the resistance reclaim their freedom and drive off the invaders.

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