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Publisher: RedMax Entertainment
Developer: Go for Landing LLC
Current version: 1.21
Total installed space: 378.81MB
Required space adjusted: 378.68MB
You work for RedMax Mining. As a FS-X Squirrel pilot you have been hired to sabotage the seismic survey of a competitor exploring for a rare mineral known as “RedMax”. The discovery of this mineral was a direct result of wormhole transport (WT) commercialization which opened the entire galaxy to earth based commercial development.
Another company has already arrived on the planet. Once the lander has opened you need to quickly dispose of their BL-5 seismic pods shown on your HUD map. Complete the mission as quickly as possible and return safely back to the lander.
Your score is based on disposal of the targets, minimizing use of ship and weapons energy, and not hitting the ground. Watch out for the point defense missile system. The ship is pretty robust but it can be destroyed – and of course on this planet even an ejection won’t save you.