Cover Image of Secret Fire on the Titanic
Secret Fire on the Titanic
08 Nov 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD

Secret Fire on the Titanic

08 Nov 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
Current price
2.99 USD


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Publisher: VRAppStudios
Current version: 2.0.2
Total installed space: 1.42GB
Required space adjusted: 922.72MB


When the great ship Titanic left on its maiden voyage in April 1912, the passengers and crew were excited to be on the huge, luxurious steamship, promoted as "unsinkable." But there was a secret being hidden from the passengers... a raging fire going for days before the passengers even boarded. Explore the ship in virtual reality, find your way down to the engine and boiler rooms, and investigate it for yourself. Did the fire weaken the hull? Why were they in such a hurry? Based on historical testimony from the crew, and other evidence.

This is the release of the full version for the Oculus Go. Oculus doesn't support Gear VR updates anymore.

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