Cover Image of Operation Chromite 1950
Operation Chromite 1950
19 Jul 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD

Operation Chromite 1950

19 Jul 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
Current price
2.99 USD


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Publisher: HO Entertainment
Developer: HO 엔터테인먼트
Current version: 1.1.5
Total installed space: 264.11MB
Required space adjusted: 274.55MB


his mobile VR FPS game is based on Battle of Incheon- code named Opertion Chromite- which marked a watershed in the Korean War. The player may assume the role of two playable characters- a U.S Marine or an R.O.K KLO.
Operation Chromite 1950 has 3 missions and 6 stages, comprised of Pal-mido infiltration, Wol-mido landing operation and Wol-mido bridgehead defense, which the player may complete by using the two main characters. R.O.K KLO's sergeant Kim for Pal-mido infiltration, and for Wol-mido landing operation and Wol-mido bridgehead defense, U.S Marine's PFC white.

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