Cover Image of The Bronze
The Bronze
22 Aug 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD

The Bronze

22 Aug 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
The lowest price
1.99 USD
Current price
1.99 USD


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Publisher: Click LLC
Developer: Click LLC
Current version: 1.03
Total installed space: 359.38MB
Required space adjusted: 405.84MB


Loyd was the best gunsmith in the city. He lived in the distant city of Anvilforte, which had been mired in gloom and despair for a long time.
The only sliver of light in his life of the gunsmith was his daughter Elizabeth.
The tyranny of King Zargus who wanted to enslave the whole world reigned in the city.
He ordered Loyd to create a weapon against which nothing could resist.
Zargus promised to give him power and wealth, but Loyd did not want to obey.
Then the servants of Zargus broke into the gunsmith's house and abducted Elizabeth.
Loyd was inconsolable, but the last spark of hope lit up in his heart
The gunsmith went to the castle to bring Elizabeth back.

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