Cover Image of Magic Cube
Magic Cube
15 Mar 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD

Magic Cube

15 Mar 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD


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Publisher: Viriver Studio
Developer: ViRiver Studio
Current version: 1.0
Total installed space: 89.63MB
Required space adjusted: 49.02MB


Travel across a vast blue ocean to a magic island, surrounded by a vast expanse of blue ocean, and a giant cube in front of you. Similar to Tetris, but more strategic, you need to fill up all four sides of the cube in the same horizontal position to eliminate the cubes.

Game Play:
Click the touch panel, start the game and challenge yourself

By controlling the touch panel, you could move the cube side to side.

Choose the blocks of game, put them on the face of cube.

All four sides of the cube should be filled up in the same horizontal position.

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