Cover Image of Keymaster
11 Jan 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD


11 Jan 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD


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Publisher: Peaznchips Productions
Developer: Peaznchips Productions
Current version: 1.8
Total installed space: 271.63MB
Required space adjusted: 435.21MB


Free 13 Guardians across 3 multiverse environments from a dark power. Use your keen analytical and swift observational skills as a Keymaster to unlock the Guardians from their prison in hope of freeing the multiverse. Play in normal mode or hard mode for tougher puzzles and quicker mental relfexes.You alone have the will and the abilities to complete this task. You are the Keymaster.

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