Cover Image of Energysaber Masta VR
Energysaber Masta VR
16 Jul 2020
7.99 USD
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7.99 USD

Energysaber Masta VR

16 Jul 2020
7.99 USD
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7.99 USD
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7.99 USD
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7.99 USD


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Publisher: DreamTeam Mobile
Developer: DreamTeam Mobile
Current version: 1.16
Total installed space: 266.67MB
Required space adjusted: 451.18MB


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Just kidding

But imagine yourself standing in magnet boots on top of the spaceship, overlooking a galaxy, equipped with 2 energysabers with built-in rail-guns, hearing this alien synth sound alarming you about the drones coming up in different shapes and styles. Be the masta of your sabers and your people. Protect yourself and protect them.

Physical and mind activities:
- 360 arm swings
- 180 body rotation
- Squats
- Dodging lasers
- Precision training
- Attention exercising
- Spaceship walking if you have enough room

It's a VR deep-space experience.
It's a survival game.
Good luck!

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