Cover Image of Moon Home
Moon Home
18 Dec 2020
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD

Moon Home

18 Dec 2020
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
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1.99 USD


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Publisher: Visione Futuro srl
Developer: Visione Futuro
Current version: 1.0
Total installed space: 275.85MB
Required space adjusted: 382.93MB


The project is based on the study and the creation of an hypotetical lunar housing module, which can be visited using virtual reality viewers. The goal is making educational materials, that can be used even in the education sector for students from all levels of study, in order to provide some information about living on the Moon and how a lunar settlement should be indoor and outdoor.
Observation in virtual reality totally involves the user, who is allowed to reach dangerous and inaccessible faraway places. The physical exploration of fictional places and time facilitates learning, knowing and memorizing.
Virtual reality is a multisensory and immersive instrument, so in schools can meet the principles of the active learning, which is different from the passive one because of its capacity to involve the student and make him protagonist of the process of knowledge acquisition.

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