Cover Image of Mission: Mars
Mission: Mars
21 Jan 2021
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD

Mission: Mars

21 Jan 2021
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
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14.99 USD


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Publisher: Nubalo Studios S.L.
Developer: Nubalo Studios S.L.
Current version: 0.837
Total installed space: 1.55GB
Required space adjusted: 3.55GB


"Mission: Mars" is an open World VR scenario where the user may explore with realistics details the three rovers and satellites that USA, Europe, China, and Arab Emirates are sending to Mars in 2020 and 2022. The experience begins in a futuristic museum on Mars surface with all the rovers inside. The user may explore them in situ or teleport outside to witness the full deployment sequence and watch them in action. The 3D models of the rovers have been created faithful to the real ones and each instrument has its own information panel for the user to learn about it. Additionally, from the museum, one can transfer to a Mars orbit and see the planet from above as well as its moons and some satellites that are exploring it. Many more rover models and interactivity functionalities are to come in future versions.
The new version includes a future Mars with SpaceX starship, robots, rovers, astronauts, and more events (like SpaceX concept).
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