Cover Image of Chase VR Cricket
Chase VR Cricket
21 Jan 2021
Rift & Rift S
7.99 USD
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7.99 USD

Chase VR Cricket

21 Jan 2021
Rift & Rift S
7.99 USD
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7.99 USD
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7.99 USD
Current price
7.99 USD


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Publisher: One Edit - Lionel Jayaraj
Developer: Lionel Jayaraj
Current version: 0.5.2
Total installed space: 500.05MB
Required space adjusted: 2.49GB


This is a sports fictional game written for a PCVR cricket experience. This is about to challenge aliens controlled humanoid robots that possess high telekinetic abilities. The player should bat 20 mins and score more than 200 runs to chase the aliens away. Players can alter the opponent's score before they are prepared to chase the maximum. You can also toggle Spectator View on the PC and ask your friends to alter the bowling attributes as 2nd Player via numeric keyboard controls. Microsoft Kinect v2 can be used as additional sensors to have real-time full body motion capture. The game allows replay from the keeper or audience POV

The game was developed by Mr. Lionel Jayaraj as a PhD student using Unity 2017 engine, Oculus SDK and Microsoft Kinect SDK. This is the first ever batting simulator which was published with the real-time full body motion capture (Rights reserved).

The game provides user-avatar using the Oculus tracking from head to abdomen in the absence of Kinect sensors.

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