Cover Image of Trash Gun
Trash Gun
27 Apr 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
0.99 USD 2.99 USD SAVE: 67 %
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0.99 USD 2.99 USD

Trash Gun

27 Apr 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
0.99 USD 2.99 USD SAVE: 67 %
The highest price
2.99 USD
The lowest price
0.99 USD
Current price
0.99 USD


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2× favorited
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Publisher: John Ray Games
Developer: John Ray Games
Current version: .14
Total installed space: 287.57MB
Required space adjusted: 560.12MB



Welcome to the Space Sanitation Department - Trash Gun division!

Trash Gun is a virtual reality fast paced, dual wield arcade shooter that challenges players to use their quick trigger fingers and sharp brain to get the highest score possible blowing up large debris.

You are an employee of the Trash Gun Division! Armed with your Trash Guns, you must quickly and efficiently destroy the large debris that is hurtling toward you. You must quickly identify your target, select the proper color laser, take aim and BOOM!

Stay aware of your guns and the lasers they are firing. It is easy to get over taken if you don't stay sharp.

So clock in for your shift and start shooting!!

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