Cover Image of Newton's Cradle
Newton's Cradle
10 Sep 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD

Newton's Cradle

10 Sep 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
Current price
1.99 USD


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Publisher: Carbon Blip
Developer: Carbon Blip
Current version: 1.5
Total installed space: 431.63MB
Required space adjusted: 622.20MB


The universe revolves at your command! In Newton's Cradle, you create stylized planets, stars and black holes. When you set objects loose into space they orbit around each-other governed by the laws of Newtonian gravity.

Relax in a cosmic snow-globe of your own creation, or study complex systems of many stars.
Customize the size and appearance of each object you create. Set their speed and angular momentum to create orbits of varying shapes, then trace the curved paths your heavenly bodies take through space.
Stop time to set up the perfect initial conditions. Speed up time to watch your cosmos evolve quickly, or rewind the clock and retrace its steps.
Move through space in any direction to observe your creations from any angle.
Set your stars in motion in Newton's Cradle!

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