Cover Image of NEUROFY - increase your cognitive capacity
NEUROFY - increase your cognitive capacity
15 Feb 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
24.99 USD
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24.99 USD

NEUROFY - increase your cognitive capacity

15 Feb 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
24.99 USD
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24.99 USD
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24.99 USD
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24.99 USD


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Publisher: Neuropowertrain sarl
Developer: Neuropowertrain sarl
Current version: 1.7
Total installed space: 435.04MB
Required space adjusted: 346.46MB


At Neurofy we are committed to advancing the science of mental performance through clinically-validated research with our product. That’s why Neurofy is currently being tested at these centers to help advance the state-of-the-art for attention.

Our platform allows users to hyper-customize their training program through a web application. This platform is especially useful for scientists, sports trainers, teachers and psychologists. Through the web interface, users can create specialized programs, manage their users and devices, and track the progress and improvements of each. Every user has their own access to the platform and can use the headset independently from the web interface.

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