Cover Image of Upgrade VR
Upgrade VR
22 Apr 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
5.99 USD
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5.99 USD

Upgrade VR

22 Apr 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
5.99 USD
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5.99 USD
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Current price
5.99 USD


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Publisher: UPGRADE VR – FZCO
Developer: UPGRADE VR - FZCO
Current version: 1.6.0
Total installed space: 600.23MB
Required space adjusted: 937.11MB


Developed by neuropsychologists, UPGRADE VR is a fun, simple training routine that helps you test and hone your brain’s cognitive skills.

Exercise with UPGRADE VR every day to improve your cognitive skills, such as:

- memory
- concentration and attention span
- reaction
- eye-hand coordination
- stress tolerance

Our entertaining and engaging workout only takes 10…15 minutes a day. Training feels like playing a game!

Track your progress in our mobile app UPGRADE VR where you can review your achievements, read interesting news about brain-related research and the latest discoveries in neuropsychology.

Note that cognitive training could be a useful addition to comprehensive COVID-19 recovery regimen.

UPGRADE your brain now!

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