Cover Image of Zombie Range
Zombie Range
23 May 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD

Zombie Range

23 May 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
2.99 USD
The highest price
2.99 USD
The lowest price
2.99 USD
Current price
2.99 USD


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Publisher: Sidehustle Games
Developer: Sidehustle Games
Current version: 0.0.24
Total installed space: 607.15MB
Required space adjusted: 1.05GB


“Exorcise while you Exercise and swap Zumba for Zombies!!!"

It's close to midnight. and something evil's lurking in the dark. Under the moonlight. You see a sight that almost stops your heart... Zombies! (Don’t panic they are just cardboard!).

So a very warm welcome to the Zombie Range, it’s a fast-paced throwing game that pits you against the walking dead. Takedown hordes of zombies and save your precious fans from a fate worse than death! Getting moving and fitter is just a bonus! Anyone can jump in and play but can you get your speed and skills to a top Slayer level?

Hone your throwing skills over multiple levels of zombie mayhem, clear each level of the undead and make sure your fans stay safe! Challenge your friends to beat your score!

We want to hear what levels you love and what you want us to add! Leave us a review and level ideas in reviews pretty please!

Good luck Slayer!

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