Cover Image of Hands of Globzop
Hands of Globzop
08 Jun 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD

Hands of Globzop

08 Jun 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
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1.99 USD


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Publisher: Wumborg
Developer: Wumborg
Current version: 1.0029
Total installed space: 1.05GB
Required space adjusted: 1.94GB


You are Globzop. That's not an insult, that's your name.

You are a Generator. You come from a long line of Generators. You may be an alien, a robot, a mutant....frankly we couldn't decide.

You have the ability to generate (hence the name) energy from ordinary objects by creating a conduit between identical structures. You do this through the use of your hands.

They are super nifty.

You will take various assignments throughout the scenarios we could think up, bringing similar objects together. It's a great job, which is why you don't get paid anything.

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