Cover Image of Zoo + Ocean Handtracking ZOSU Passthrough
Zoo + Ocean Handtracking ZOSU Passthrough
19 Nov 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
0.99 USD 7.99 USD SAVE: 88 %
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0.99 USD 7.99 USD

Zoo + Ocean Handtracking ZOSU Passthrough

19 Nov 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
0.99 USD 7.99 USD SAVE: 88 %
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7.99 USD
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0.99 USD
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0.99 USD


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Publisher: ZOSU Studios LLC
Developer: ZOSU
Current version: 1.392
Total installed space: 1.10GB
Required space adjusted: 1.62GB


Create a Zoo and Ocean in your home with over 160 creatures
- passthrough enabled to see animals in your actual surroundings in mixed reality / augmented reality , create a zoo or ocean aquarium in your home
- handtracking enabled to allow hand placement of animals (controllers work as well)
- animals are placeable and moveable with random spawn options and deletion options with bonus test levels with (nee) animal copying and enlarging options
- combo of the best of "ZOSU Zoo Home Passthrough" and "Ocean Passthrough" with over 20 scenes of animals to enjoy
-- animals: 100+ ocean and 60+ land/air
- animals include: dinosaurs, sharks, whales, zebras, bears, lions, tigers, lionfish, birds, sunfish, otter, penguin, moorish, leopards, cuttlefish, elephants, rhinos, hippos, deer, cows, dolphins, clown fish, crocodiles, starfish, turtles, mountain goats, dogs, cats, horses, squid, discus, carp, trout, foxes, octopus, marlin,, tigers, zoo animals, common and exotic fish, and many more!

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