Cover Image of Light Tracer
Light Tracer
26 Apr 2018
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD

Light Tracer

26 Apr 2018
Rift & Rift S
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
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14.99 USD


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Publisher: Oasis Games
Developer: Void Dimensions
Current version: 1.11
Total installed space: 1.38GB
Required space adjusted: 3.38GB


-Platforming meets VR: A new genre for a new device, a novel and creative take on the popular genre which opens up a new gaming experience that’s clear from the moment the player takes up his VR Headset.

-The World of Light Tracer: 8 different chapters, 8 different worlds: from Gravity World to Mechanica World, from sliding the princess down icy steps to the final Angelic City.

-Challenges many and varied: From classic platforming to enigmatic puzzles and boss fights that test both your reaction speed as well as your thinking speed.

-Take a new perspective: Use the controllers to ‘grab’ the world and freely move around. Sometimes the solution to a dangerous enemy or an enigmatic puzzle is simply changing your view!

-Of Towers and Mysteries: A princess with a mission, the mysterious god-like player and a story with a twist! Play through the levels to find out more about the princess, her relation to the player and the mysterious illness that struck her country.

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