The Stanford Ocean Acidification Experience
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Publisher: Virtual Human Interaction Lab
Developer: Virtual Human Interaction Lab
Current version: 1.2
Total installed space: 1.07GB
Required space adjusted: 3.07GB
Most people have never heard of ocean acidification—the process by which the ocean becomes more acidic as it absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) that has been emitted into the atmosphere. Visualizing the impact to marine is challenging. As a solution, Stanford researchers have produced a virtual underwater ecosystem to allow you to observe firsthand what coral reefs are expected to look like by the end of the century if we do not curb our CO2 emissions.
Watch the ocean absorb invisible CO2 molecules, a coral reef degrade and marine life disappear as the ocean acidifies. Each step in the journey is based on marine science research.
For more information about ocean acidification and learning in Virtual Reality, here are some additional resources: