Cover Image of Siege Hammer
Siege Hammer
16 Dec 2016
Rift & Rift S
12.99 USD
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12.99 USD

Siege Hammer

16 Dec 2016
Rift & Rift S
12.99 USD
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12.99 USD
The lowest price
12.99 USD
Current price
12.99 USD


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Publisher: MyDream Interactive Inc.
Developer: MyDream Interactive Inc.
Current version: 0.39
Total installed space: 862.66MB
Required space adjusted: 2.84GB


Siege Hammer is a uniquely-designed strategic VR game where players take the role of Blip, the young hero who was raised by the wisps, and granted a magical hammer to defend the realm from Rok G’narek’s evil invaders. Will you be the anvil… or the hammer?

- Fun features: wield the mighty Siege Hammer with four dynamic variations of Blip and construct 3 types of upgradeable towers in order to fend off multiple waves of invaders across 40+ hours of enjoyable gameplay!

- Family-friendly: strategic gameplay that anyone can understand, a pleasant and mystical aesthetic, and content for players of all ages!

- Entry level: easy and intuitive to play with controllers or gaze, smooth experience to maximize comfort and control over the environment, no standing room required, move smoothly or by teleportation!

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