Cover Image of Number Hunt
Number Hunt
10 Jan 2019
Rift & Rift S
7.99 USD 11.99 USD SAVE: 33 %
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7.99 USD 11.99 USD

Number Hunt

10 Jan 2019
Rift & Rift S
7.99 USD 11.99 USD SAVE: 33 %
The highest price
11.99 USD
The lowest price
7.99 USD
Current price
7.99 USD


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Publisher: PaleBlue XYZ
Developer: PaleBlue XYZ
Current version: 6.0
Total installed space: 2.44GB
Required space adjusted: 4.44GB


Think twice before you shoot while chasing these wild numbers!
Achieve the target numbers before the other players, by using your Brain and Math!
Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction and Division are your tools, all controlled at the touch of a button, from your gun!

Test your mind and your reflexes against people from all over the world!
Can be enjoyed by all ages!
- Hunt wild Numbers by using guns that can Add, Multiply, Subtract and Divide, and chase the target scores!
- Full Arithmetic workout, buff up your brain! You will be amazed at how drastically your math skills will increase!
- Unlock the Pluzooka, Double Barrel, Divider and the Negative Charge by gathering Power Balls.
- Get as many targets as you can to earn top positions on Leader Boards!
- Play matches with other Players in beautiful levels.
- Unlock crazy Achievements!

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