Cover Image of Thalu: Dreamtime is Now
Thalu: Dreamtime is Now
31 Jan 2019
Rift & Rift S
7.99 USD
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7.99 USD

Thalu: Dreamtime is Now

31 Jan 2019
Rift & Rift S
7.99 USD
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7.99 USD
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7.99 USD
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7.99 USD


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Publisher: Frame VR
Developer: Frame VR
Current version: 1.2
Total installed space: 2.15GB
Required space adjusted: 4.15GB


Directed by award-winning Ngarluma man Tyson Mowarin, with concept art by Sutu (Mind at War, MIFF 2018), Thalu: Dreamtime is Now is a groundbreaking interactive VR experience that brings the mythology and cultural heritage of Mowarin’s people to life with the latest cutting-edge technologies.

As a spirit guide takes you to a vibrant underworld and introduces you to the traditional custodians of a land now threatened by the encroaching modern world – mining in particular – you will visit individual Thalu (sacred sites) for flora, fauna and the elements before continuing on to the world of Mingkala the Creator.

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