Cover Image of Heaven Forest VR MMO
Heaven Forest VR MMO
25 Jan 2017
Rift & Rift S
0.99 USD
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0.99 USD

Heaven Forest VR MMO

25 Jan 2017
Rift & Rift S
0.99 USD
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0.99 USD
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0.99 USD
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0.99 USD


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Publisher: Chubby Pixel
Developer: Chubby Pixel
Current version: 1.6
Total installed space: 1.38GB
Required space adjusted: 3.38GB


What is the meaning of life?
Where are we heading for and why?

It seems like an absurd and pretentious notion. Yet deep inside us these are the questions we ask.

This game aims to give the player a series of hidden clues in its world in order to lead him to ponder.

You're not alone in your journey, in fact the spirits you see in the forest are real players exploring the game with you.

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