Cover Image of Richie's Plank Experience
Richie's Plank Experience
27 Jun 2019
Quest & Quest 2 Rift & Rift S
15.99 USD
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15.99 USD

Richie's Plank Experience

27 Jun 2019
Quest & Quest 2 Rift & Rift S
15.99 USD
The highest price
15.99 USD
The lowest price
14.99 USD
Current price
15.99 USD


108× watchlisted
84× favorited
21× ownered


Publisher: Toast VR
Developer: Toast
Current version: 1.9.1
Total installed space: 542.04MB
Required space adjusted: 949.89MB


Richie's Plank Experience was designed to invoke the strongest possible emotions in the shortest possible time. Entertain your friends and family as they walk the plank, 80 stories high. Knees weak, palms sweaty.

If that doesn't get them, Santa Simulator, Nightmare Mode, sky writing or flying in the three hero academy missions will.

If you're expecting a 2 hour game for yourself, this probably isn't for you. If you plan to entertain your friends and family or if you want a crowd to gather, this is the title to do it.

This game invokes a near-instant emotional reaction. Due to the nature of virtual reality, this experience can set you off-balance and affect your decision making. The following safety guidelines will reduce the risk of serious injury or harm.
1. Ensure there are two adult supervisors who are alert and capable of catching you if you lose balance.
2. Do not run or jump off the plank.
3. Pick an activity space clear of any objects in your surroundings and keep a clear buffer around your space.
4. Establish a no pushing or provoking rule that is enforced and taken seriously.

The plank walk is designed for ages 13+. If you are under the age of 18, please have this safety guide and EULA reviewed and agreed to by your parent or legal guardian.

Please note that you bear responsibility for your actions while you play Richie’s Plank Experience. We don't take responsibility for any injury or damage caused by your actions while playing.

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