Cover Image of Sharkferno
30 Jan 2020
Rift & Rift S
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD


30 Jan 2020
Rift & Rift S
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
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1.99 USD


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Publisher: Clockworks Games
Developer: Brion Sarachan
Current version: 3.6
Total installed space: 1.89GB
Required space adjusted: 3.89GB


Sharkferno is a frantic, fun third-person experience. You can play as a flying drone or as a human and switch your consciousness between them with the press of a button. Save the residents of an island by shooting fiery weapons at flying sharks. Combine free movement with consciousness switching to get to where the action is for last-minute rescues. After the evil sharks have been vanquished, chill and soar around. Aim weapons with natural arm movements while playing as a human or flying drone.

Touch Controls:
- Aiming and shooting: natural movements of your own arms + triggers
- Forward / back / turning movement (drone or person): right thumbstick (and/or left thumbstick for person only).
- Drone altitude and strafing: left thumbstick.
- Select person from drone: gaze.
- Switch control / consciousness to selected person or back to drone: A button.
- Toggle red aiming lasers: X button.
- Increase drone speed: left hand trigger.

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