Cover Image of Zen Zone
Zen Zone
25 Nov 2015
Go Samsung Gear VR
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD

Zen Zone

25 Nov 2015
Go Samsung Gear VR
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
Current price
4.99 USD


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Publisher: Unello Design
Developer: Unello Design
Current version: 1.0.5
Total installed space: 346.37MB
Required space adjusted: 234.83MB


Zen Zone is relaxation designed specifically for Virtual Reality. It contains 3 different relaxation experiences. The first two each take a new approach to guided relaxation with calming breath and body visualizations that are only possible in Virtual Reality.
The third is your own personal Zen Garden. Rake the sand, rearrange the rocks or just teleport around until you find the perfect spot to relax.

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