Cover Image of Lost in time
Lost in time
12 Dec 2018
Go Samsung Gear VR
3.99 USD
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3.99 USD

Lost in time

12 Dec 2018
Go Samsung Gear VR
3.99 USD
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3.99 USD
The lowest price
1.49 USD
Current price
3.99 USD


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Publisher: Immersive Creative Studios
Developer: Immersive Creative Studios
Current version: 1.7
Total installed space: 1.99GB
Required space adjusted: 3.81GB


After years of work, the protagonist manages to create a time machine. On his first voyage the machine fails and begins to leap into the future uncontrollably. After traveling through different eras, he manages to send a message back to his time from the future. he has discovered something we should all know.
A virtual reality experience across the time. Award and winning in more than 20 film festivals around the world.

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