Cover Image of Agent Emerson
Agent Emerson
30 Jan 2020
Go Samsung Gear VR
3.99 USD
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3.99 USD

Agent Emerson

30 Jan 2020
Go Samsung Gear VR
3.99 USD
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3.99 USD
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3.99 USD
Current price
3.99 USD


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Publisher: Agent Emerson
Developer: Serein
Current version: 1.180
Total installed space: 4.04GB
Required space adjusted: 7.33GB


In this immersive 360 degree first-person POV VR film, the viewer is dropped into a visceral, action-packed 3D cinematic experience usually seen in movie theaters, only this time YOU are the action hero.

CIA Operative David Emerson awakens to find himself a subject of an experimental program with his body under complete remote control of the imperious General (Tony Denison). With the aid of a rogue operative Alexandra (Lyndsy Fonseca), David has to retake charge of own actions and fight his way through the top security facility inside the most complex live-action VR film ever made.

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