Cover Image of Fireworks & Chill
Fireworks & Chill
14 May 2020
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD

Fireworks & Chill

14 May 2020
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
Current price
4.99 USD


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Publisher: MedfordApps LLC
Developer: MedfordApps LLC
Current version: 0.1
Total installed space: 228.71MB
Required space adjusted: 384.06MB


If you love fireworks, you’ll love Fireworks & Chill. Discover a treasure hunt for fireworks across 7 unique worlds. Use your flame to light up torches, campfires, barrels, and more.

Can you locate everything that’s hidden? Restart the game, and the objectives randomly re-position, making this hunt a challenge! Find them all and unlock incredible extra firework rewards.

Make it to the end, and you won’t want to miss a fantastic firework-filled finale!

Featuring intuitive, self-paced controls, minimal UI interactions, and no violence, this game is fun for the whole family. It even has multiple player slots to save your progress as you go. Challenge your friends to see who can find everything first.

Easy to pick up, hard to find them all!

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